Arts & Culture

Upcoming Events

Current Month


06feb7:00 pm8:00 pmHeritage Chat with Chris Linton

06feb7:00 pm9:00 pmIntro to Silversmithing Workshop

06feb7:30 pmWhispers of Persia

08feb4:00 pm6:00 pmCultural Contributions: The Impact of Black Art, Music, and Literature

09feb2:00 pmOlé! – Spanish inspirations

15feb6:00 pm9:30 pmLove is in the Air Gala

18feb11:00 am12:00 pmArtful Enrichment

25feb6:00 pm8:00 pmTrails End Pints & Ales

27feb6:00 pm7:30 pmDiverse Voices: An Evening of Spoken Poetry